Brian Whitfield,美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀的设计师
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Brian Whitfield

Verified Expert  in Design


Austin, TX, United States
Toptal Member Since
July 22, 2019

Brian是一位多学科设计师,专注于品牌战略, identity, product design, and art direction. 他的设计精神可以被定义为高效、适应性强、充满启迪. For over ten years, 布莱恩设计了完整的品牌体系, 跨平台移动和web应用程序, 以及数百个品牌和组织的创意活动, including Dell, IBM, Boys & 女孩俱乐部,赛兰斯,还有福特.


Work Experience

Independent Designer

2018 - PRESENT
  • 打造完整的品牌体系, including logos, brand and product naming, visual languages, colors, typography, icons, and illustration styles.
  • 与许多初创公司和企业合作,创建了具有既定设计原则的综合设计系统库, components, colors, typography, and more.
  • 使用Figma等主要设计工具, Sketch, and Abstract, 而虚拟会议则通过Slack处理, Zoom, and email.
  • 创立了一个生活方式表现时尚品牌的服装和配饰.
技术:亲和设计器, Affinity Photo, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe体验设计(XD), Sketch, Figma, Abstracts, User Interface (UI), Art Direction, Wireframing, UI Design, Logo Design, Visual Design, Iconography, Prototyping, Branding, Product Design, Design Systems, Web Marketing, SMS Marketing, Brand Design, Brand Identity, Presentations, Motion Interaction, Motion Design, Motion Graphics, Digital Art, Digital Illustration, Icon Design, Icon Sets, Company Naming, Naming, Brand Systems, Style Guides, Style Frames, Typography, Color Palettes, Mood Boards, Mobile Design, UI Audits, Brand Guidelines, Consumer Products

Senior Product Designer

2019 - 2020
  • 由人工智能驱动的五个高级UI概念设计.
  • 与首席设计师密切合作, team members, 和技术人员概念化, storyboard, 完善设计方向.
  • 在广告中与财富500强合作伙伴沟通并展示数字设计方向/经验, manufacturing, and government space.
  • 为百事可乐、科尼赛克、福特和迪拜RTA设计数字体验.
Technologies: Zeplin, Adobe体验设计(XD), Figma, User Interface (UI), Wireframing, UI Design, Logo Design, Visual Design, Iconography, Prototyping, Branding, Product Design, Analytics, Data, 人工智能(AI), UI Prototyping, Rapid Prototyping, Web App Design, Presentations, Video Presentations, Mood Boards

Senior UI Product Designer

2014 - 2019
  • 领导和合作了超过3个跨平台移动应用(iOS和Android)和超过5个web应用.
  • 构建了几个支持多种产品的设计系统组件库.
  • 设计品牌识别系统(logo, app图标,颜色等)和高级UI概念.
  • 促进和辅助用户体验方法, 包括制作旅程地图, user flows, empathy maps, 以及各种以用户为中心的设计实践.
  • 同时开发多个产品:在由设计师组成的跨职能团队中工作, developers, UX researchers, marketing, and project managers.
  • 进行设计和用户研究, including UX audits, heuristic analyses, and competitive analyses.
  • 利用我的数字代理营销和广告经验,准备和撰写产品页面和登陆屏幕的文案.
技术:Adobe体验设计(XD), Miro, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Sketch, InVision, Figma, User Interface (UI), Art Direction, Wireframing, UI Design, Logo Design, Visual Design, Iconography, Prototyping, Branding, Product Design, Rapid Prototyping, User Experience (UX), Web App Design, Web App Testing, Creative Briefs, Brand Design, Brand Identity, Design Systems, Presentations, Motion Interaction, Motion Design, Mood Boards, Mobile Design, UI Audits, Consumer Products

Multimedia Designer

2013 - 2014
TKO Advertising
  • 为数字产品和事件制作了五个品牌标识,徽标和插图.
  • Designed over ten websites, visual design systems, 以及为科技企业和组织定制的图标和插图, retail, entertainment, government spaces.
  • 协助响应式和seo驱动网站的前端开发.
  • 设计了十多次市场营销活动, 其中包括动画网页横幅, custom formatted emails, posters, and flyers.
  • 与跨职能的美术总监团队紧密合作, illustrators, designers, 开发者需要制定策略, ideate, and output branding, copywriting, motion, web, print, and video.
  • 增强了摄影技术,使它们可以用于印刷和网络.
Technologies: MacOS, iMac, MacBook, Adobe InDesign, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, User Interface (UI), Art Direction, Wireframing, UI Design, Logo Design, Iconography, Prototyping, Branding, Mood Boards, Brand Guidelines, Marketing Design

Student Marketing Designer

2011 - 2013
Texas State University
  • 与超过25个不同的学生组织合作,制作营销材料,以提高学生的参与度,同时遵守大学品牌准则.
  • 基于传统打印和web应用程序的设计并进行扩展.
  • 为大学网站设计并开发定制登陆网页.
Technologies: MacOS, iMac, MacBook, Adobe InDesign, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, User Interface (UI), Art Direction, Logo Design, Visual Design, Mood Boards, Marketing Design

Design and Web Consultant

2010 - 2012
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
  • 通过自定义WordPress站点重新设计并开发了一个区域网站.
  • 实现了一个CMS (WordPress)与分析和SEO.
  • 为十多次营销活动设计并处理文案.
  • 为超过15个区域活动设计了广泛的标识.
  • 为校园建筑创建环境标识模型.
Technologies: MacOS, MacBook, Adobe InDesign, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, User Interface (UI), Art Direction, Logo Design, Visual Design, Brand Guidelines

Multimedia Specialist

2009 - 2012
Northwest Vista College
  • 设计和协助两个web应用程序的前端开发:HOLA, 一个学术咨询网站,新入学的学生可以完成课程学分, and NVCVT, 为未来的学生和游客提供互动虚拟之旅.
Technologies: Windows, PC, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe InDesign, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, User Interface (UI), Art Direction, Wireframing, UI Design, Logo Design, Visual Design, Branding
2010 - 2013



2007 - 2010



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